What percentage of yoga classes have you been to that are truly great? For me, this number is 10% and probably less.
For starters, I don’t know what types of yoga exist and how they’re different. I know that yoga is good for me and helps me stretch out and re-balance. But did I know that the purpose of yoga is to connect the mind and body as a method to prepare you for meditation? Not until recently.
This is all coming from someone who has been to at least 100 classes in the past few years. Even with all that, I don’t really know what’s going on.
I don’t think we (the collective we) are managing complex, human issues very well at the moment.
Nutrition is confusing. Yoga is confusing. There aren’t many (?) trusted sources in our every day lives to help with this. Not without taking a sizable amount of time to seek them out and spend a few months learning. I think we could all use a bit more coaching.
CorePower (capitalism’s version of yoga) is proliferating. With probably 200 locations by now they are popping up everywhere. So I’m guessing they’re profitable. But are they good? Not really. Not in the form of yoga beyond a sculpting workout.
But perhaps, that’s all we’re looking for.